Peter Greene's Top 10+ as announced on Tuesday, 6/1/2004
This list is for providing you with easy access to these "useful" Web pages. Please visit my NEW "Tips and Favorite Applications" Page, WEBHITZ® for access to our Web menus!
Use of the products and services offered on any of these Web pages is at your own risk! E-Mail me and give me your feedback at web1@infostar.com. Due to the volume of email I get I cannot possibly reply to every message!
- (***)Here is the way to "eliminate the Windows Logon Screen". Remember to be careful when editing any system files; make sure you review the numerous resources I've posted about the Windows Registry that can be found on my "Tips" and "Techlinks" pages. And if you need access to your Windows system [like you forgot your administrative password] and are having trouble - then the "EBCD Utility [Free]" may be able to help.
- Golfable.com - a well organized directory of golf courses in US. Also visit "GolfCourse" and "All-Golf-Links".
- Zazzle.coma way to design and sell your own unique products online; also visit "CafePress".
- FindHealthNews.com - a searchable index for access to health related news.
- SportsAgentIndex.com - every year, thousands of athletes search for an agent to represent them in professional sports. Sports Agent Index is a resource for these athletes to search for and locate qualified agents.
- Turs.net - a travel reference and comparison engine; helps looking for airflights, hotel rooms and more. For little more help with hotel rooms try "Hotels-X.".
- Autism-resources.com - offering information and links [check out their organized list] regarding the developmental disabilities autism and Asperger's Syndrome.
- Froogle.com - use Google's shopping search engine to find items online.
- InteractiveJargonGuide.org - a resource that tries to help "decode" the language of the media, telecommunications and IT industries.
- BigBlueBall.com - everything about instant messaging including others than just AOL's "IM" plus news and more.
- WikiPedia.org - building an open-content encyclopedia in many languages.
- IdentiFont.com - font identifier that enables you to identify a font from a sample by answering a series of simple questions.
- TV-now.com - well organized resource on TV entertainment.
*** Below is from last month's choices ****
- (*)2 new books on Google - "Google Hacks" and the new "Google Pocket Guide". Also visit Peter's new "Book Page".
- (***)Here is the "E-mail Anti-SPAM Encoder by Hiveware" to use if you post your email address to Web pages.
- OSVDB.org - [on "3/31/2004 OSVDB Opens for Public Access" ] stands for Open Source Vulnerability Database and is a project to catalog and describe the Internet's security vulnerabilities. It is an independent and open source database created by and for the community. Our goal is to provide accurate, detailed, current, and unbiased technical information.
- A9.com [try "generic A9" and their "A9 Toolbar" which requires an Amazon.com account ] - search experience for e-commerce applications; plan is to power Amazon.com and other Web sites. Also checkout "MSN Sandbox".
- OpenIndex.org - an open source project to develop Internet indexes, search engines, spiders and robots.
- RobotsAndUs.org - online interactive robot gallery presented by the Science Museum of Minnesota. Also visit "Yobotics.com" who create artificial legs to help disabled people walk or for legged robots.
- ForumZilla.com - an attempt to provide a searchable directory of online discussion groups or fourms.
- Sysinfo.org and their online database called "Startup Applications List" of nearly 5,000 entries related to what you may find in your Windows startup folder on your Windows system. Very useful defintions to help you to determine if an entry or reference is suppose to be active on your system or not! Helps with figuring out spyware-type applications.
- DateDex.com - lists the event calendars of many of the worlds most influential organizations, countries, religions, sports, etc.... We live in a very busy world.
- EducationArcade.org - represents a consortium of international game designers, publishers, scholars, educators, and policy makers who are exploring the new frontiers of educational media that have been opened by computer and video games.
- Moodle.org - is a free, open-source "course management system" (CMS), software package designed to help educators create quality online courses.
- TheFreeSite.com - a resource that tries to list all of the "freebies" that are available in a wide range of categories.
- numion.com - measure your Internet speed for surfing the Web. Also try "Bandwidth Speed Test".
- cioupdate.com - [CIO Information Network portal] - useful resouce that covers current technology new, trends, product info and much more.
- SnapFiles.com - [formerly known as WebAttack.com] a great resource for software downloads; also visit "OnlyTheBestFreeware".
- TravelFleaMarket.com - a resource for travel bargain hunters. Also visit "SkyAuction" and the popular "BestFares.com".
- Software602.com - a MicroSoft Office software suite alternative that is composed of four applications: a word processor, spreadsheet, photo editor and photo organizer. Also visit [techlink #283 has more articles too!] "OpenOffice.org and and "StarOffice.com".
- AFAdvisor.org - help for people with Atrial Fibrillation.
- SpamLaws.com - links to "Spam" laws in the United States (states, federal and cases) plus Europe and other countries.
- "PCMag.com's Tip of the day" - plus access to their other tip categories. Also check-out: "Windows: 68 Tips & Tricks", "Microsoft Office: 106 Tips & Tricks", "Where has Scan Disk gone? [Windows XP, NT and for 2000]" [ - you an get the improved CHKDSK process], "23 Ways To Speed WinXP Without Defrag", "Langa Letter: Ten More Ways To Make Windows XP Run Better", "The Trouble-Free PC: Tune it up. Back it up. Ramp it up." including "Page 6: Backing Up To Happiness" and also visit "Mirra".
- (*)Microsoft Newsgroups - access the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups; useful resource to know and utilize. Also visit Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program and make sure you visit "Midtown Computer Systems Enterprise [MCSE.ms]" - access to useful computer related Usenet groups; not affiliated with Microsoft corporation, Cisco corporation, Oracle, CompTIA or any other vendor, and "Internet Gurus Central".
Peter's schedule for appearing as a guest on Larry Meiller's show can seen by clicking here.
You can listen to Peter on WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) - 970AM WHA Radio in Madison, WI
monthly! It is broadcast live over the WPR radio network from the 7th floor of Vilas Hall, and is "Web casted" live via Real Audio - you'll need the "Real Audio player". The show is 90 minutes in length and covers the latest in PC computer technology
, the Internet and the World Wide Web; show is a question & answer format. I have supported Wisconsin Public Radio for nearly 18 years with a monthly radio
show on computer technology. The show is produced by Jim Packard and hosted by Larry Meiller.