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Peter Greene's Top 10+ as announced on Tuesday, 3/2/2004

This list is for providing you with easy access to these "useful" Web pages. Please visit my NEW "Tips and Favorite Applications" Page, WEBHITZ® for access to our Web menus! Use of the products and services offered on any of these Web pages is at your own risk! E-Mail me and give me your feedback at web1@infostar.com. Due to the volume of email I get I cannot possibly reply to every message!

  1. (***)Here is the "E-mail Anti-SPAM Encoder by Hiveware" to use if you post your email address to Web pages.
  2. WorldLicensePlates.com - you can play the license plate game while you travel the globe! Also visit Flags of the World.
  3. ElectionWorld.org - covering elections from around the world.
  4. Desktop-Video-Guide.com - an excellent resource to help get you starting producing your own desktop PC videos.
  5. Soople.com - is a search site meant for all those who are not familiar with all required syntaxes to conduct expert Web/Internet searches. Make sure you check out the "calculator".
  6. PeepResearch.org and ErationalNews.com - just some goofy nonsense.
  7. Groople.com - for meeting planners to plan any size group travel requirements [covers: flights, auto rental , hotels, cruises, trains, and buses]; partner Web sites are used when searching for caterers, wedding plans, etc...
  8. ExploreLearning.com - 100's of online interactive math & science activities.
  9. SearchEngineForMarketers.com - free service features short reviews and links to the top sites in 40 marketing categories.
  10. MemTest86.com - is memory test for [includes Intel Pentium] x86 architecture computers. Also visit "SimmTester.com" and download their "DocMemory Ram Diagnostic Software" [requires registration/membership] and "Microsoft's Windows Memory Diagnostic".
  11. dhs.gov - official Dept. of Homeland Security Web site; access to their (our?) "National Cyber Alert System" and also visit their "Cyber Security Alerts". Here is their 1/28/2004 press release announcment - National Cyber Alert System Announcement - about delivering to Americans timely and actionable information to better secure their computer systems.
  12. PCGuide.com and their useful BIOS settings guide - that you will find in a typical Pentium-class or higher PC.
  13. ZapMeta.com - a meta-search engine [incl. "GigaBlast", "Teoma", and "AlltheWeb", a search tool that provide users the ability of simultaneously search multiple search engines under one interface.
  14. LiteracyCenter.net - [in 4 languages] "literacy" activities for parents and teachers to share with young children.
  15. WordPlays.com - access to interactive word games.
  16. eWeek Security - for security news, product reviews, trends and analysis.
  17. Knowspam.net - spam-blocking service that eliminates virtually all email spam; works for people with a POP email account.
  18. About Indentity Theft - useful info posted by the Federal Trade Commission.
  19. IPAddressWorld.com - What is your Internet IP address? Simply click this link to lookup the IP address
  20. CatInTheHat.org - the official Dr. Seuss National Memorial Web site. Also visit "Seussentennial".
  21. MyGardenGuide.com - a full-featured garden resource; some free content and also subscriber-fee required. An online cataloger to check-out is WaysideGardens.com.
  22. BetaNews.com - first reported the leak of Microsoft's Windows code getting out [The leaked code includes 30,915 files and was apparently removed from a Linux computer used by "Mainsoft" for development purposes. The source code represents Windows 2000 Service Pack 1.]
  23. US-CERT - a partnership between the Department of Homeland Security's National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) and the private sector, has been established to protect our nation's Internet infrastructure.
  24. A List of the Keyboard Shortcuts That Are Available in Windows XP.
  25. Windows Update Troubleshooter.
  26. Rollup.org - [free to use service] a way to track what is going on across a number of different sites by aggregating all the RSS feeds and displaying them on one page. Here is an example of its use for a "Marketing News Weblog".
  27. WindowsDevCenter.com - a resource for everyone who develops applications for Windows. Also visit "WinDevTools.com", "MacDevCenter.com" and "LinuxDevCenter.com" [by O'Reilly].
  28. Microsoft Security Guidance Center - lots here; security training, security testing tools, "their security notification service via email alerts" & more.
  29. Microsoft Office Update Inventory Tool 2.0 Checks Installations for Updated Status - useful for network administrators.
  30. PersonalFirewallDay.org - [group consists of McAfee, Microsoft, Sygate, TruSecure and Zone Labs] [Personal Firewall reviews at PCMag], and visit ICSA Labs and check out their "Firewall Resources" where they post an annual PDF file version of a Firewall Buyers' Guide.
  31. Preview: Inside the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Beta - note that the "Internet Connection Firewall" will be renamed Windows Firewall - visit this link to use the Firewall - "Using the Microsoft XP Internet Connection Firewall".
  32. PalPass - password management for PayPal subscription sales; and "Affiliate Management Software" that works with PalPass.
  33. SkyAuction.com - a travel auction resource that covers domestic and international travel.
  34. CGI-Junction.com - a resources for CGI, PHP, Perl and other online language scripts to help you manage/improve your Web site.
  35. *** Below is from last month's choices ****

  36. (*)2 new books on Google - "Google Hacks" and the new "Google Pocket Guide". Also visit Peter's new "Book Page".
  37. Solarviews.com - views of our solar system; accessible in a variety of languages.
  38. Geosense.net - an online world geography game; it is a one to two player game in which players try to locate a city on a world or regional map.
  39. WinDevTools.com - is a site devoted to Windows programming tools.
  40. PalmSource.com - a great resource for Palm users; access to 20,000+ programs. Make sure you also visit their "ExpertGuides".
  41. SearchFreeFonts.com - a searchable free font resource.
  42. DiplomacyMonitor.com - provides a means of tracking Internet-based global diplomacy; includes the latest communiqués, transcripts and news releases from around the world.
  43. WisconsinHistory.org [by the Wisconsin Historical Society] - access their "Wisconsin Name Index" to search through 100,000+ obituaries, personal sketches, and other short biographies of Wisconsin people.
  44. 2RSS.com - [definition: RSS stands for "RDF Site Summary" or "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication" and the latest version of RSS is 2.0.; it is used to create a summary document for sites usually containing updates, new content or news.]; RSS is an XML document with syndicated content of the sites. Many sites (especially weblogs) offer RSS feeds which are a summary of the site in XML format.
  45. NetCaptor - is a tabbed Web Browsers with other new features (tabbed Web pages, cookie and history cleanup, content filtering and a popup window killer). Also check out: "Mozilla" [why switch?], "MyIE", Apple's "Safari", "Avant Browser", "Crazy Browser", "SlimBrowser", "Opera", and "PowerPad Explorer" [by EzTools].
  46. Encyclopedia-Titanica.org - resource for anyone interested in the Titanic; includes 2457 summaries as well as detailed passenger and crew biographies & more.

Extras to check-out:

Extra Link 1:GoDaddy - offers domain name registration and transfers for $8.95 per year or also try 000Domains - register or transfer a domain for $13.50 per year; also 123Domains - for as little as $13.99 per year for domain name registration. I've used all three and they work just fine!
Extra Link 2:ReadyHosting - a Web hosting service worth a serious look.
Extra Link 3:Pagoo Service - I use it to get my voice mail while I'm online! It really works great! "CallWave" is free but really doesn't compare. New is "BuzMe"
Extra Link 4:National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - and their "Alert" page with pictures.
Extra Link 5:THINKQUEST Information! (My neighbor's won 2x! Now he's a sophmore at Harvard!): - ThinkQuest and "ThinkQuest Junior" - "an annual contest that challenges students, ages 10 to 19, to use the Internet as a collaborative, interactive teaching and learning tool". Get the contest details here. Get your kids involved!
Extra Link 6: FreeDSL - free high-speed Internet access; if you sign up please use my email address for being referred - "pgreene@infostar.com" - Thanks!
Extra Link 7: FreeWebspace - interested in a Web site for no money? Check out this searchable index of 443 free Web space providers.

selectedPeter's schedule for appearing as a guest on Larry Meiller's show can seen by clicking here.

You can listen to Peter on WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) - 970AM WHA Radio in Madison, WI monthly! It is broadcast live over the WPR radio network from the 7th floor of Vilas Hall, and is "Web casted" live via Real Audio - you'll need the "Real Audio player". The show is 90 minutes in length and covers the latest in PC computer technology , the Internet and the World Wide Web; show is a question & answer format. I have supported Wisconsin Public Radio for nearly 18 years with a monthly radio show on computer technology. The show is produced by Jim Packard and hosted by Larry Meiller.


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