Peter Greene's Top 10+ as announced on Monday, 9/29/2003
This list is for providing you with easy access to these "useful" Web pages. Please visit my NEW "Tips and Favorite Applications" Page, WEBHITZ® for access to our Web menus!
Use of the products and services offered on any of these Web pages is at your own risk! E-Mail me and give me your feedback at comments@infostar.com. Due to the volume of email I get I cannot possibly reply to every message!
- Oyez.org - [the phrase used in the Supreme Court to call to order] contains 2000+ hours of audio recordings of various cases & arguments held before the Supreme Court.
- Fazzle.com - a new search engine that's worth trying. Also check out "Snippy" [by "ResearchAgent.com"], and Google.com's - new search by "Location"
- TechEncyclopedia - get definitions of 20,000+ information technology [IT, computer, Internet] related words and terms.
- GovEngine.com - a great reference to access federal, state and local Web sites.
- OdysseyGuide.com - a science fiction & fantasy reference with 8,200+ authors, 4,000+ series and 34,000+ titles.
- AIMProfiles.com - ways to enhance your AOL Instant Messenger online profile.
- SearchEdu.com - a search engine with a preference towards education and government resources.
- UserFriendly.org - a daily online comic strip.
- EdgeWalkers.com - "edgewalkers" are considered to be the "thought and action leaders of our times". And this is an incubator resource for them.
- FutureofMusic.org - [a.k.a. FMC] a not-for-profit collaboration between members of the music, technology, public policy and intellectual property law communities.
- LibraryStuff.net - a library weblog dedicated to resources for keeping current and professional development.
- TheElderGeek.com - [on Windows XP] a resource the helps you work with the Windows XP opearting system; very useful and good to know - visit this one.
- WebTechGeek.com - a computer-related resource with lots of "how-to's", Windows utilities, news, games & more.
- ScotsNewsletter.com - covers Windows, broadband, do-it-yourself networking, Microsoft, and the Internet including tips, reviews & more.
- 1UPHealth.com - a comprehensive, well-organize [by section, news, featured topics] online heatlh and well-being Web resource.
*** Below is from last month's choices ****
- (*)2 new books on Google - "Google Hacks" and the new "Google Pocket Guide". Also visit Peter's new "Book Page".
- LocalHarvest.org - easy to find family farms, farmers markets and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area.
- SciToys.com - make toys at home with common household materials that demonstrate fascinating scientific principles.
- AesopFables.com - online collection of Aesop's Fables; 655+ Fables, indexed with morals listed.
- AuctionWorks.com - is the solution of choice for the largest sellers on eBay (2,000,000+ items each month ).
- CreativeCow.net - online forums for media professionals that use products from Apple, Avid, Matrox, Sony and more. [movie makers, video, digital camera users]
- FaganFinder.com - (an online search Web site/tool) its goal is to help people find what they are looking for.
- DigitalBookIndex.com - provides access to 73,000+ titles records (eBooks from 1800+ publishers).
- FoodSubs.com - actually called "The Cook's Thesaurus "; is an online cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools.
- HostEvaluator.com - free software to help you make more informed decisions on where your Web site should be hosted.
- AvantBrowser.com - considered freeware; a fast tabbed Web browser that you may enjoy using.
- GammaDyne.com - if you manage large email lists then you should take a serious look at "Gammadyne Mailer".
- SoYouWanna.com - learn about all the things nobody taught you in school.
- Avhome.com - Aviation Home page; 7700+ searchable and organized links about anything related to aviation.
- TeenReads.com - a resource that encourages teenage reading.
- SearchNetworking.com - news and tips on networking, info on routers, switches, and more.
- TACKTech.com - a technical support resource for PC users.
Extras to check-out:
Extra Link 1:GoDaddy - offers domain name registration and transfers for $8.95 per year or also try 000Domains - register or transfer a domain for $13.50 per year; also 123Domains - for as little as $13.99 per year for domain name registration. I've used all three and they work just fine!
Extra Link 2:ReadyHosting - a Web hosting service worth a serious look.
Extra Link 3:Pagoo Service - I use it to get my voice mail while I'm online! It really works great! "CallWave" is free but really doesn't compare. New is "BuzMe"
Extra Link 4:National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - and their "Alert" page with pictures.
Extra Link 5:THINKQUEST Information! (My neighbor's won 2x! Now he's a sophmore at Harvard!): - ThinkQuest and "ThinkQuest Junior" -
"an annual contest that challenges students, ages 10 to 19, to use the Internet as a collaborative, interactive teaching and learning tool". Get the contest details here. Get your kids involved!
Extra Link 6: FreeDSL - free high-speed Internet access; if you sign up please use my email address for being referred - "pgreene@infostar.com" - Thanks!
Extra Link 7: FreeWebspace - interested in a Web site for no money? Check out this searchable index of 443 free Web space providers.
Peter's schedule for appearing as a guest on Larry Meiller's show can seen by clicking here.
You can listen to Peter on WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) - 970AM WHA Radio in Madison, WI
monthly! It is broadcast live over the WPR radio network from the 7th floor of Vilas Hall, and is "Web casted" live via Real Audio - you'll need the "Real Audio player". The show is 90 minutes in length and covers the latest in PC computer technology
, the Internet and the World Wide Web; show is a question & answer format. I have supported Wisconsin Public Radio for nearly 18 years with a monthly radio
show on computer technology. The show is produced by Jim Packard and hosted by Larry Meiller.