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Peter Greene's Top 10+ as announced on Tues., 4/01/2003

This list is for providing you with easy access to these "useful" Web pages. Please visit my NEW "Tips and Favorite Applications" Page, WEBHITZ® for access to our Web menus! Use of the products and services offered on any of these Web pages is at your own risk! E-Mail me and give me your feedback at comments@infostar.com. Due to the volume of email I get I cannot possibly reply to every message!

  1. MuseumOfHoaxes.com - the Web site that supplements the book ---> the Web site "serves as the repository for all the overflow that didn't fit in the book". Check out the "April Fool's Day Gallery", hoax photos, and lots more!
  2. DOD.mil - the official U.S. Department of Defense - "DefenseLink" Web resource and news from "MilitaryCity.com". Also CSIS.org - the "Center for Strategic and International Studies" that has posted an "Iraq Briefing Book". Other resources for a variety perspectives as related to the Iraq War include: "Librarians' Index", "USA Freedom Corps", "Military Deployment Center", "DefendAmerica", "Agonist.org" and "Operation Uplink."
  3. StateTaxCentral.com - a great resource that just may offer some help with figuring your taxes!
  4. RFIDJournal.com - covering the latest topic of Radio Frequency IDentification for business applications.
  5. Job-Hunt.org - search [includes job search advice and tips] from among 8100+ job-related links "including 300+ Associations and Societies". Also visit "Monster.com".
  6. VulnWatch.org - [run by a community of volunteer moderators distributed around the world] is a computer security vulnerability [announcement] disclosure mailing list. The contents of the list are submitted by security researchers or product vendors to alert the Internet community of security issues that may effect them. It focuses on the vulnerabilities and not the patches. You should be getting patch information directly from your vendors. Also visit "Versions", "VersionTracker", "BugNet", "Security Administrator", "Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer" and "Microsoft's Security and Privacy", "Experts-Exchange", and "SecurityFocus".
  7. SeatGURU.com - [for the air traveler] the source for airplane seat information.
  8. RepairClinic.com - a resource that covers appliance parts and free repair help advice. They sell parts and have a "PartsDetective" to help you find the part you may need.
  9. LessonPlanZ.com - is searchable directory of free online lesson plans and lesson plan resources for all grades and subjects. Also check out "TeacherHelpers".
  10. NewsFactor.com - an e-business and technology news & information resource. Also visit "ePrairie" for midwest tech news.
  11. RadioEnthusiast.com - a resource that provides info & reviews [and also on the Iraq War]on radio-related items such as books, Web sites, equipment, plus discussion forums. Also visit "RadioIntel", "dxing", and "Universal-Radio".
  12. Artie.com - over 15,000 FREE animated GIFs, all original, including a dancing cartoon alphabet, over 1,100 dancing names, 1,200 funny e-greeting cards and more!
  13. BusinessSchools.com - searchable [search for business schools, departments and programs] resource/directory for Business Schools related topics and information.
  14. TracerLock.com - a low-cost service that helps automate the collection and processing of new information that is posted online everyday. Also visit "[The] ResourceShelf" which provides access to resources and news for Information Professionals.
  15. SafePlace.com - provides the public with an independent source of information regarding the relative safety of one facility over others.
  16. vFoodPortal.com - a portal for the Food Industry.
  17. Dotfactor.com - provides tools, ideas and internet marketing solutions for online businesses. Also visit "ClickZ", "MarketingSherpa" and "FreeLists".
  18. CafePress.com - create and sell your own high quality products for free, and its all done online through their Web-enabled management system [no inventory and no setup fees]. Here's the InfoStar.com and WEBHITZ.com "CafePress Online Store" [it's in the works so check back - please!].
  19. tdfilm.com - a film resource with 46,658 links to film-related Web sites.
  20. Time Magazine Cover Search - neat resource to be able to search the covers of Time Mag. since 1923.
  21. BruceLeeLinks.com - this resource covers the legendary martial artist Bruce Lee.
  22. SenderBase.com - see who the top emailers on the Internet are; article about about "slamming SPAM".
  23. LivingEarth.com - images [satellite imagery for use in both consumer and commercial creative markets] of the earth, moon and the stars.Also visit "Space.com" and their "Zoomviews".
  24. Trafford.com - an "on-demand" publishing service.
  25. TVcamerman.com - a resource that covers these news/reporter professionals.

  26. *** Below is from last month's choices ****

  27. AIMenhancments - for all you Instant Messenger users .... enjoy!
  28. BriansBuzz.com - a Windows Tips search engine and sign-up for a free monthly email Windows tips newsletter; by author/editor "Brian Livingston". Also visit "Windows2000FAQ".
  29. ADD.org - [Attention Deficit Disorder Association; ADDA] searchable resource; lots of great info on this topic. Also visit "CHADD" - Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder.
  30. ThreeMacs.com - a Web resource that covers Macintosh networking; intended for all levels of Mac experience.
  31. (*updated 4/01/03*)CyberCafes.com - [if you travel with a computer and want Internet access] a searchable resource of 4200+ internet cafes in 140 countries. Also visit "Intel's Mobile Technology" that discusses their new Centrino(tm) mobile technology and their "Hotspots Finder".
  32. AppleFares.com - search engine gives you a single interface and flexibility to find the cheapest fares on all the budget airlines in Europe.
  33. EndangeredSpecie.com - great resource on this topic .
  34. ABYZ News Links.com - a gateway type resource to access newspapers, news media and news resources online.
  35. BaseballLibrary.com - great resource for baseball fans. Spring training is now in session.
  36. U.S.G.A. (usga.org) - [United States Golf Association] access their searchable "database of 3,000+ amatuer golf tournaments".
  37. Cable-Modems.org - a comprehensive resource for cable modem users. Also visit - "CableModemHelp" and "CableModemInfo.com".
  38. Ryze.com - an online "networking" environment or community where members get a free profile page where they list their vitals, favorite quotations, hobbies, previous jobs and future career interests. Members contact one another by sending private messages or by leaving notes in a guest book area on each page.
  39. JustMove.com - American Heart Association Web site.
  40. CodeHouse.com - JavaScripts, articles, and more.
  41. RadioDiaries.org - producing a new kind of oral history and part of "NPR".
  42. VirtualSalt.com - access their page of "World Wide Web Research Tools".
  43. Starfall.com - a great resource that helps teach kids to have fun while learning to read.
  44. Medzilla - a job resource that focuses on medical and biotech field.
  45. Scientopica.com - a science portal that you should check back with.
  46. Etymonline.com - an online etymonline dictionary.
  47. the-Pantheon.com - for those people who are interested in Greek mythology.
  48. Googlert.com - this Web service can conduct Google searches, and then send you URLs of the newly founde [and indexed] pages by e- mail. [you will need a Google API key in order to use it. Go to "http://www.google.com/apis/" to get one.]
  49. Physics Animations (http://physics.nad.ru/) - a Web site that has computer animations of physical processes. Also visit "PhysicsClassroom.com".


BONUS Link 1:Zfee - get paid for protecting your privacy and its free. Click here for the quick "sign-up form".
BONUS Link 2:Make Your Site Sell - free info to help your Web business, and "Make Your Knowledge Sell".
BONUS Link 3:FareAgent - for help finding the best airfares; also "Travelocity", Expedia's "Fare Compare" and "Priceline".
BONUS Link 4:Teachers.Net - teachers resources along with chat and more; see also "National Teachers Enhancement Network".
BONUS Link 5:Memolink - complete surveys, play trivia and get free stuff; see also "iWon", LuckySurf", "WebMillion" and "FreeLotto".
BONUS Link 6:The Kitchen Link - 10,000+ cooking related resources and more.
BONUS Link 7:LowerMyBills - find the best deals near you.
BONUS Link 8:National Crime Prevention Council - home of "McGruff" the Crime Dog® and Take a Bite Out of Crime®
BONUS Link 9:IPO Insider - excellent IPO resource information provided by ZDNet.
BONUS Link 10:PayPal - a way to pay for things online - popular at eBay. See also "eCount", "ProPay", and "PayMe".
BONUS Link 11:Med-Tech Center - latest news on the Medical technology front.
BONUS Link 12:FindSounds - search for sounds on the Web; also try "Whoopie"; or look for "fonts" at "MyFonts".
BONUS Link 13:FreeLotto.com - play for free.
BONUS Link 14:Xdrive - looking for extra storage to access via the Web; try these also "Driveway", "MyDocsOnline", "FreeDrive", "iDrive" and "Myspace".

Standard Extras to check-out:

Extra Link 1:GoDaddy - offers domain name registration and transfers for $8.95 per year or also try 000Domains - register or transfer a domain for $13.50 per year; also 123Domains - for as little as $13.99 per year for domain name registration. I've used all three and they work just fine!
Extra Link 2:ReadyHosting - a Web hosting service worth a serious look.
Extra Link 3:Pagoo Service - I use it to get my voice mail while I'm online! It really works great! "CallWave" is free but really doesn't compare. New is "BuzMe"
Extra Link 4:National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - and their "Alert" page with pictures.
Extra Link 5:THINKQUEST Information! (My neighbor's won 2x! Now he's a sophmore at Harvard!): - ThinkQuest and "ThinkQuest Junior" - "an annual contest that challenges students, ages 10 to 19, to use the Internet as a collaborative, interactive teaching and learning tool". Get the contest details here. Get your kids involved!
Extra Link 6: FreeDSL - free high-speed Internet access; if you sign up please use my email address for being referred - "pgreene@infostar.com" - Thanks!
Extra Link 7: FreeWebspace - interested in a Web site for no money? Check out this searchable index of 443 free Web space providers.

selectedPeter's schedule for appearing as a guest on Larry Meiller's show can seen by clicking here.

You can listen to Peter on WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) - 970AM WHA Radio in Madison, WI monthly! It is broadcast live over the WPR radio network from the 7th floor of Vilas Hall, and is "Web casted" live via Real Audio - you'll need the "Real Audio player". The show is 90 minutes in length and covers the latest in PC computer technology , the Internet and the World Wide Web; show is a question & answer format. I have supported Wisconsin Public Radio for nearly 18 years with a monthly radio show on computer technology. The show is produced by Jim Packard and hosted by Larry Meiller.


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