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Peter Greene's Top 10+ as announced on Monday - August 12th, 2019

This list is for providing you with easy access to these "useful" Web pages. Please visit my "Tips and Favorite Applications" Page, WEBHITZ for access to our Web menus! Use of the products and services offered on any of these Web pages is at your own risk! E-Mail me and give me your feedback at Due to the volume of email I get I cannot possibly reply to every message!

    Next show is October 14th, 2019

  1. - [(GVA) is a not for profit corporation formed in 2013] provides free public access to accurate information about gun-related violence in the United States. GVA collects and checks for accuracy, comprehensive information about gun-related violence in the U.S. and then posts it online. Also visit: and
  2. - is a global flight tracking service that provides real-time information about thousands of aircraft around the world. Flightradar24 tracks 180,000+ flights, from 1,200+ airlines, flying to or from 4,000+ airports around the world in real time. You can also access via apps for the iPhone (iOS) or Android smartphones & devices.
  3. - is a technology Web-blog on Ubuntu Linux News, Software, Tutorials, Linux Distro Reviews, Chromebook Tutorials, Linux Games, and more.
  4. - claims 1,000,000+ members and 18,000+ projects; an online community where beginners and professionals can learn and share how to build robotics, industrial automation systems, AI (Artificial Intelligence) - powered machines, and everything in between. A resource where hardware and software developers interact; explore 1,000's of projects, work on skills, and discover new products and technologies [considered a network of builders]. Consider the "Raspberry Pi" miniature PC device. The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit card-sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. For more on "Pi" projects visit:,'s info,, a video.
  5. - [since 1950] the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is an intergovernmental organization with a membership of 193 member states and territories. Originated from the International Meteorological Organization (IMO), initiated at the 1873 Vienna International Meteorological Congress. Established by the ratification of the WMO Convention on 23 March 1950, WMO became the specialized agency of the United Nations for meteorology [weather and climate], operational hydrology and related geophysical sciences a year later.
  6. - Splunk turns machine data into answers. Claims that organizations of all sizes and across industries are using Splunk to unleash innovation and solve their toughest IT, security and business challenges. Visit "for a free download of Splunk.
  7. - offers a realtime overview of status information and outages for all kinds of services. They try to track any service that its users consider vital to their everyday lives, including (but not limited to) Internet Service Providers (ISP's), mobile providers, airlines, public transport and online services. The company is: [see next top 10 link] - a global leader in internet testing, data and analysis. Speedtest, their flagship product, is the most accurate way to measure internet performance and network diagnostics.
  8. - by, is an effective way to test the speed and performance of your internet connection using your PC, Mac, or smartphone (iOS/Apple, iPad, Samsung/Android, tablet, etc...). Every day, over ten million unique tests are actively initiated by their users in the locations and at the times when their connectivity matters to them. Since their founding in 2006, an unparalleled total of more than 20 billion tests have been taken with Speedtest.
  9. - claims that their "Website building" platform powers more than 33% of the internet. Create - build a Website, share your ideas, start blogging [A blog (a truncation of "weblog") is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text], start a business or enhance your business or organization, or run an online store. You can start for free or there are "more options". Also visit: and
  10. - [since 2015] claim to have reviewed 78 "Virtual Private Network" providers and published over 1,600+ user reviews. You can also read other online review websites for VPN's - such as by - they claim 130 hours of research of 32 VPN services, and testing 12 of them.
  11. End of top 10 for this month
  12. Windows 10 - creating a recovery thumbdrive, Windows 10 recovery drive #2 or Windows 8 or 10 recovery drive Solution #3.
  13. Windows 10 Missing Fonts Solution #1 or try this other Windows 10 Missing Fonts Solution #2.
  14. - National Do Not Call Registry - Wisconsin now uses this - but here is Wisconsin's DoNotCall Web resource: Wisconsin Do Not Call Registry. Also visit: How to report unwanted calls.
  15. How to Stop Unwanted Calls on Your Cell Phone or Landline: article, article, and article.
  16. Another resource to check out for Cell Phone/PC/Online privacy and security apps (software) that includes secure & encrypted chat, messaging, calling; plus password managers, Web browsing in privacy, and more is: Tom's Guide article. I use "CM Security" on my Samsung Android powered phone to screen and block almost every annoying "telemarketer" incoming cell phone call. Please note ---> that this is not an endorsement by me; it works ok but is not without its own quirks. Use it at your own risk.
  17. Troubleshooting Windows 10 printer problemsLast show's tip on how to fix common Windows 10 printer problems (it is not you - it is Microsoft that keeps having trouble!.

  18. *** Some Extras listed below ***

  19. ***** - another backup software program; also has ghosting feature (duplicating "drives" - especially hard drives - check out their FREE version of their "Macrium Reflect" software.
  20. ****Classic Shell ---> This is a Windows 8 "free utility" to make it look more like Windows-7 or Windows XP. I have used it a few times on Windows 8 systems; and, it has worked well for me. Good luck!

  21. Peter Greene's Selection of Most Popular Applications (Apps) - Software

  22. Microsoft "Office" - remember Visicalc? WordStar? WordPerfect? Lotus 1-2-3? Multiplan? Also now: "Google Docs"
  23. Adobe's "Photoshop" - they are also known for their "Creative Suite". Related - remember Corel Draw? Saw money and use "Google's Picasa".
  24. "Google's Gmail". Also: Yahoo Mail, AOL, Outlook by Microsoft, Windows Live Mail (by Microsoft), Apple Mail.
  25. "Google Maps" or just using your smartphone for a GPS [Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system]. Remember MapQuest?
  26. Google's "YouTube". Along with "Twitter", "Pinterest" and "Facebook" you are a social butterfly. Remember "MySpace"?.
  27. "eBay" - connects buyer's and seller's from all over the world.
  28. "" by Ookla; just nice to know how face your Internet connection really is. I have been using this for years and really appreciate it!
  29. "Skype" (for traveling) - it has changed hands (owners) a few times. So the rules / costs might change just like cell phone plans do!
  30. "WhatsApp" (for traveling) - also handy for travelling outside the U.S.
  31. Apple's "iTunes". If you own an Apple product then you pretty much have to use it. But don't forget this handy app --->"i-FunBox" [I like the classic version]
  32. The "Staples": Operating Systems: Free"Ubuntu" and paid for version such as Apple's OSX (Yeosemite) and Microsoft Windows 8.1 (I still like 7 over 8). I think OSX runs better and if you hate doing backups you can't beat TimeMachine in OSX. Under the hood Apple's OSX really is a version of Unix; and Linux (Ubuntu, Redhat and others) is also a version of Unix.
  33. The other Staples: Web browser - Mozilla's "FireFox". And the others: Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Chrome, Apple's Safari.

  34. *** Below are last month's choices ****

  35. - [Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management (ICWDM)] attempts to consolidate existing and future information on integrated pest management (IPM) in wildlife damage management. Its goal is to increase adoption of IPM practices in wildlife damage management by centralizing resources. ICWDM is a non-profit, grant-funded site that provides research-based information on how to handle wildlife damage problems responsibly.
  36. - is the collaborative work management platform. Claim to have 18,000+ organizations with 2,000,000+ users worldwide. Free version for up to 5 users is available. Last year they had reached 100 million completed tasks within their cloud platform.
  37. - represented are: NFL (football), NBA (basketball), MLB (baseball), and CFB (college football), and sports betting. Well organized and includes lots of information about the players for each of the listed sports. If you want data and information about the sports they list - you will enjoy this Web resource.
  38. - The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) works to increase immunization rates and prevent disease by creating and distributing educational materials for healthcare professionals and the public that enhance the delivery of safe and effective immunization services. The Coalition also facilitates communication about the safety, efficacy, and use of vaccines within the broad immunization community of patients, parents, healthcare organizations, and government health agencies. [The Immunization Action Coalition does not promote or endorse any third party's Website, products, or services.] Also visit:, and [committed to public education about vaccine science].
  39. - [Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA); HRSA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] - Tens of millions of Americans receive quality, affordable health care and other services through HRSA's 90-plus programs and more than 3,000 grantees. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary federal agency for improving health care to people who are geographically isolated, economically or medically vulnerable.
  40. - [recommend that you use Google's Chrome to translate from French; founded in 2007] is a French association, and an international network of non-governmental organizations whose aim is to promote the free flow of information and knowledge, to defend digital rights and freedoms and to fight against all forms of censorship on connected networks. Their mission: Internet access is a fundamental right - protection and exercise of human rights on the Internet.
  41. - Images for every project, plans for every budget. Access to 267+ million images [Claim they add 150,000 new images every day].
  42. - access reviews of products and services. Also visit:, and 28 Product Review Websites - a "weblog" article about where to find at least 28 more review Websites [useful to know and also for online marketing].
  43. [Founded in 2007] - an online publication that issues tips and guides on how to make the most of the Internet, computer software, and mobile apps. Their mission is to help users understand and navigate modern trends in consumer technology.
  44. - find the latest Windows 10 update news, tips, tweaks, error fixes and Windows "How-To-Guides". Here is more info on May-of-2019's Windows-10 Build 1903 update:'s article,'s article,'s article and's search results for Build 1903. Important: Microsoft issued an alert in mid-May called BlueKeep: CVE-2019-0708 | Remote Desktop Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. If you still use Windows "Legacy versions" such as XP, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 versions - you need to read these articles and get the "BlueKeep" flaw/vulneraility patch: NSA warns that 'BlueKeep' vulnerability in Windows XP and Windows 7 is especially dangerous, BetaNews article about BlueKeep,'s official Advisory announcement of 6-4-2019 and their Official PDF version of the NSA CyberSecurity Advisory about BlueKeep.
  45. On June 3rd, 2019 Apple announced that it is breaking up iTunes! Apple will be creating separate standalone apps (software) to access Apple Podcasts, Apple TV, and Apple Music for their next version of macOS "Catalina". Some technology writers have stated that this is long overdue, and that it should make accessing digital content much easier. Apple is adding new features to their OS such as Sidecar to improve useability of your computer/device workspace. And, some technology writers are even saying "thank you!" (read's article).
    Here are some online articles about Apple's latest announcement:'s article, Popular Science's article, CNN's "Rest In Peace iTunes" news article,'s article and's article.
    Here's more on Apple's next MacOS called "Catalina": Apple's Newsroom preview about Catalina, DigitalTrends's coverage of Apple's announcements at their WorldWide Developer's Conference, and info about Catalina.

As discussed on a previous show - I have listed resources to help you search for access to public information, and, information that may be purchased.

Note: I have no affiliation or am I making any endorsement for use of these resources; just pointing out examples to access this kind of information on the Internet and World Wide Web. I tried to group the resources together as best as possible.

Keep in mind that even though you may sign-up to be a member of a Web site - that some of your information, such as a "user name" for your membership may be accessible outside of that resource by search engines such as (this also includes images). So you may want to change your use of your "user name" across multiple sites; similar to changing your use of the same passwords to protect yourself. Or it is a question to ask yourself - how visible or invisible do I want to be online? If you associate your name (even a nickname or alias and someone knows it) with a face then you are visible.

A way to save money - sign-up for a trial account that may give you "a 7-day window to use the service" if you pay the annual fee; however, make sure you note the cancellation date or you may end-up paying for the entire year! [make sure you check out their "Other Products Page"] , Google's Image search, (part of Google), and Google's Plus (similar to Facebook); note Google makes money by selling advertising - they make this statement as related to Google Plus - "'Google may use my account information to personalize +1s on content and ads on non-Google web sites.'" and two other search engines to work with that are also popular.
Facebook has become popular not only for individuals but business and organizations to use as a social media marketing tool to gain popularity.
LinkedIn - typically considered for business professional but also used by others.
MySpace - was more popular before Facebook but still used by individuals. Another social connectivity resource like facebook.
Twitter - a social networking tool - find out what’s happening, right now, with the people and organizations you are interested in (if they tweet !!!). - business community where you can find out more detailed information on a business and its contacts. - provides free online company search and people search tools. - information on 37+ million Companies and 35+ million executive. - helps Business-to-Business companies discover and connect with millions of targeted sales prospects. Find verified contact information, including email, phone, and social media. and - comprehensive people search resources to use; costs/fees to access (I have no experience with them). - search engine that claims to be the "most comprehensive people search on the Web"; dive into the deep Web to bring you results you won't find in any other search engine then we use a powerful identity resolution engine to link those seemingly disparate results into a set of meaningful profiles so you can easily find the person you are looking for.
Radaris - another comprehensive people search resource to use. - another comprehensive people search resource to use. - a social media search tool. - looking for close relatives, family tree, divorce, marriage, birth, death records? - claims to have an extensive database of images, newspapers, vital records, and more for your ancestors' historical records. - a resource that has access to local Yellow Pages, White Pages, search, directories, news, weather and more. - looking for phone numbers, addresses, reverse look-ups? gain entrance to those official state Web resources that provide online access to property tax and related information. Check out the State of Wisconsin info and local Dane County examples below.


Wisconsin and local resources examples:
Access to the Public Records of the Consolidated Court Automation Programs (CCAP) from the Wisconsin Court System - commonly referred to as "CCAP"; and City of Madison Property Taxes

selectedPeter's schedule for appearing as a guest on Larry Meiller's show can seen by clicking here.

You can listen to Peter on WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) - 970AM WHA Radio in Madison, WI monthly! It is broadcast live over the WPR radio network from the 7th floor of Vilas Hall, and is "Web casted" live via Real Audio - you'll need the "Real Audio player". The show is 90 minutes in length and covers the latest in PC computer technology , the Internet and the World Wide Web; show is a question & answer format. I have supported Wisconsin Public Radio for over 31+ years with a monthly radio show on computer technology. The show is hosted by Larry Meiller.

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