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Peter Greene's Top 10+ as announced on Monday, 10/4/2010

This list is for providing you with easy access to these "useful" Web pages. Please visit my NEW "Tips and Favorite Applications" Page, WEBHITZ® for access to our Web menus! Use of the products and services offered on any of these Web pages is at your own risk! E-Mail me and give me your feedback at web1@infostar.com. Due to the volume of email I get I cannot possibly reply to every message!

    Next show is Monday - November 1, 2010

  1. WindowsForDevices.com - [published by eWeek]; it covers news and info about Windows Embedded Opearting System which includes products you use such as navigation devices, smartphones, point of sale terminals and more. It is a support site for developers and those curious about what is available.
  2. Seamonkey-project.org - is a community effort to develop the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite that includes Internet browser, email & newsgroup client with an included web feed reader, HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools; [originates from Netscape and Mozilla].
  3. Xtranormal.com - from text to movies; create your movies online and share them with your friends. (Nearly 10 million projects created!)
  4. Manta.com - claim that you can search and browse 63 million+ companies in the U.S. and worldwide by business category or location. Also visit: "Yelp".
  5. NoDevice.com - massive collection of drivers from all the major manufacturers for help with hardware installation for a wide variety of accessories and add-ons. If you can't find the driver you need, let them know and they say they'll track it down.
  6. BeautyOfTheWeb.com - see how developers and designers are creating new websites using HTML5 and advancements in Internet Explorer 9 [currently in "beta"]. One example is "BeatKeep" which allows drummers, musicians and music enthusiasts to discover, create and share beats of any genre. Through intuitive interactions and the power of HTML5, BeatKeep allows users to create unique audio tracks and share them on social networks. [Showcased & featured by Internet Explorer 9's beta.]
  7. Groupon.com - launched in November 2008, Groupon features a daily deal on the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy in a variety of cities across the U.S., Canada, Europe.
  8. MindNode.com - claim to have simple-to-use mindmapping applications for the Apple Macintosh that help you to visually collect, classify and structure ideas; and then organize, study and solve problems. Uses include things such as including to-do lists, brainstorming, holiday planning, research, writing, project management in environments such as schools, meetings and the workplace.
  9. WiseCleaner.com - highly rated "free" (and for purchase) utility software for your Windows system; includes a registry cleaner (removing and optimizing all the invalid registry entries and error items) and a disk cleaner (for freeing up disk space by deleting junk files and temporary files). Also visit: "CCleaner".
  10. TheTechJournal.com - a tech news portal that covers a wide variety of areas involving technology. For example - did you know that there is a company working on a cell phone charger using both nanotechnology and the kinetic energy generated from walking using shoes.
  11. *** Below are last month's choices ****

  12. ehMac.ca - Canada's [Apple] Mac community; features online forum-discussion, classifieds and photo areas. Free membership and also subscription as well.
  13. DigitalSociety.org - [a non-profit org.] is a digital think tank that believes culture and commerce are inseparable, that the digital economy flourishes when people are free and rights are secure, and that free markets free people.
  14. Vitals.com - claim a comprehensive medical info database [searchable] of 720,000+ doctors nationwide.
  15. CharityBlossom.org - mission is to help non-profits and charities to become more visible; so they aggregated millions of non-profit organizations and charities and made visible and searchable in their Charity Blossom Web site.
  16. InspectionNews.net - developed to aid prospective, new and established home inspectors in their quest to find home inspection information and answers to business and technical questions. "Their forum" has 13,700+ registered members who have contributed over 200,465 posts of information.
  17. HelpGuide.org - their goal is to provide you with access to information and the encouragement you need to take charge of your health and well-being and make healthy choices.
  18. Google.com/voice - lets you manage all your phone communications and seamlessly make and receive calls on any of your existing phones. Listed features: One Phone # - use a single number that rings you anywhere; online voicemail - get transcribed messages delivered to your inbox; Inexpensive calls - free calls & text messages to the U.S. & Canada and low rates everywhere else.
  19. CPUbenchmark.net - performance testing of microcomputer CPU's - included in this list are CPUs designed for servers and workstations (Intel Xeon and AMD Opteron processors), desktop CPUs (Intel Core2 Quad, Intel Core i7, Intel Core2 Extreme and AMD Phenom II processors), in addition to mobile CPUs. Useful when checking out new systems - like "High-End CPU's"!
  20. Technize.com - resource focused on computer technology (Hardware and Software); covers mainly problems (and trying to fix them) with Microsoft and Internet technology (other software may also be covered).
  21. AnandTech.com - computer hardware analysis and news. Useful for performance comparisons of products that you are researching.
  22. And .... Feds [on July 26, 2010] say mobile-phone jailbreaking is OK - read about the ruling here at "c/net" and "MacObserver".
  23. **** Printed late July 2009 - New Book you may find of interest:
  24. "The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web" by Tamar Weinberg

selectedPeter's schedule for appearing as a guest on Larry Meiller's show can seen by clicking here.

You can listen to Peter on WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) - 970AM WHA Radio in Madison, WI monthly! It is broadcast live over the WPR radio network from the 7th floor of Vilas Hall, and is "Web casted" live via Real Audio - you'll need the "Real Audio player". The show is 90 minutes in length and covers the latest in PC computer technology , the Internet and the World Wide Web; show is a question & answer format. I have supported Wisconsin Public Radio for 23 years with a monthly radio show on computer technology. The show is produced by Jim Packard and hosted by Larry Meiller.


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