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Peter Greene's Top 10+ as announced on Monday, 5/1/2006

This list is for providing you with easy access to these "useful" Web pages. Please visit my NEW "Tips and Favorite Applications" Page, WEBHITZ® for access to our Web menus! Use of the products and services offered on any of these Web pages is at your own risk! E-Mail me and give me your feedback at web1@infostar.com. Due to the volume of email I get I cannot possibly reply to every message!

  1. CellReception.com - a searchable databases of over 120,000 cell phone tower locations registered with the FCC, and over 24,000 cell phone carrier comments submitted voluntarily from real customers using their service all over the U.S..
  2. ThriftyFun.com - a resource that trys to help you find ways to save money and have fun. Also check out "FabulousSavings".
  3. HealthBoards.com - tries to provide a unique "one-stop" support group community offering peer-to-peer support on over 140 diseases, conditions, and health topics. [They partner with "WebMD".
  4. ProtectingAmerica.org - a resource to raise awareness, educate the public and policymakers, and to offer solutions that will better prepare and protect America from a major catastrophe.
  5. ElectricDrive.org [EDTA - Electric Drive Transportation Association's Web site] - dedicated to the promotion of electric drive as the best means to achieve the highly efficient and clean use of secure energy in the transportation sector. Also check-out "GreenerCars" and "FuelEconomy.gov".
  6. Only4Gurus.com - a portal to help you access thousands of Microsoft resources.
  7. AutoBlog.com - a very comprehensive automotive industry Web-blog.
  8. FreshDevices.com - some free useful software-utility programs; download manager, diagnostic and benchmark program, and others.
  9. TechRescue.net - a PC tech support resource worth checking-out.
  10. AVSforum.com - an "Audio and Video" science resource to help you understand and resolve issues with audio and video technology. Also check-out "HardwareAnalysis".
  11. HomeTheaterMag.com - covers the latest in techology in audio, video, surround sound, movies and music. Includes equipment reviews, blogs, shopping tips, electronic newsletter and more.
  12. FunnyPhotoContest.com - a new photo contest Web site that you might enjoy.
  13. End of support for Windows 98 and Windows Me [July 11, 2006] - as recently announced by Microsoft.
  14. BullGuard.com - another product/service to protect your PC from viruses, hackers and data-loss; includes anti-virus, firewall and backup protection.
  15. *** Below are last month's choices ****

  16. (*)Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware ([XP] Beta) - here is the link to download Microsoft's new AntiSpyware software; it is well worth checking out.
  17. (*)2 books on Google - "Google Hacks" and the new "Google Pocket Guide". Also visit Peter's new "Book Page".
  18. (***)Here is the "E-mail Anti-SPAM Encoder by Hiveware" to use if you post your email address to Web pages.
  19. (***)Here is the way to "eliminate the Windows Logon Screen". Remember to be careful when editing any system files; make sure you review the numerous resources I've posted about the Windows Registry that can be found on my "Tips" and "Techlinks" pages. And if you need access to your Windows system [like you forgot your administrative password] and are having trouble - then the "EBCD Utility [Free]" may be able to help.
  20. (***)US-CERT warns against using Internet Explorer - issued 6-29-2004 - U.S. government's Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) is warning Web surfers to stop using Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) browser. If you are concerned an alternative may be Mozilla's next generation Web browser called "FireFox" and visit the "InfoStar Virus Info Center" Web page and look for Web browsers.
  21. (***)List of fixes included in Windows XP Service Pack 2 [SP 2] - access Microsoft's information on what they have tried to fix in Windows XP. Here's an article on the fact that a "SP 2 exploit has already been found".
  22. Secunia.com [also check out their "Internet Storm Center"] - monitors vulnerabilities in 8,900+ products - here is their "complete alphabetical listing".
  23. Linux-Watch.com - a resource that keeps you up-to-date on the Linux OS [Operating System].
  24. Pandora.com - a service that helps you to discover music that you'll like; its beginnings are from the "Music Genome Project" that was started on January 6th of 2000 when a group of musicians and music-loving technologists came together with the idea of creating the most comprehensive analysis of music.
  25. Newsplorer.com - Newsplorer 1.0 groups news sources by category, provides a popup windows displaying the latest news headlines, and also contains an offline browsing feature.
  26. WebStandards.org [Founded in 1998] - the Web Standards Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.
  27. DriverHeaven.net - a technology support site that focus is on keeping hardware up-to-date with current software "drivers". Also visit: "DevHardware", "TechwareLabs" and "HotHardware".
  28. TheYoYoMuseum.com - quite possibly the most comprehensive archive of yo-yo images, historical memorabilia, and information in the world.
  29. BugMeNot.com - Bugmenot.com - login with these free web passwords to bypass compulsory registration; find and share logins for websites that force you to register.
  30. WhoWouldBuyThat.com - about auction oddities from all over the Web {especially "eBay"].
  31. HardOCP.com - a resource for computer enthusiasts; keeping up on CPU [computer engine] technology; here's an article that compares "Athlon 64 Vs. Pentium 4". Other resources to checkout: "HardForum" and "OverClockers".
  32. CSTV.com - a resource to keep up on college sports news and information.
  33. CheckYourLinkPopularity.com - Link Popularity Check is a freeware program that checks the link popularity status of your web site on several search engines and compares it to other web sites on the Internet.
  34. PC Magazine's Top 101 Web Sites - as chosen by their editors.
  35. End of support for Windows 98 and Windows Me [July 11, 2006] - as recently announced by Microsoft.
  36. BullGuard.com - another product/service to protect your PC from viruses, hackers and data-loss; includes anti-virus, firewall and backup protection.
  37. Google's Video - Google.com's [beta version] of having access to video [multimedia] clips that are available on the Web.
  38. [This is now Tip #38 @ "InfoStar.com's Tip" page] Assistance with shutting off Windows Messenger Service to help eliminate unwanted solicitations: [Eliminating Windows Messenger Service by Jim Coates] - [Microsoft Messenger Service: Spam and More] - [Windows Messenger is new spam vector]

selectedPeter's schedule for appearing as a guest on Larry Meiller's show can seen by clicking here.

You can listen to Peter on WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) - 970AM WHA Radio in Madison, WI monthly! It is broadcast live over the WPR radio network from the 7th floor of Vilas Hall, and is "Web casted" live via Real Audio - you'll need the "Real Audio player". The show is 90 minutes in length and covers the latest in PC computer technology , the Internet and the World Wide Web; show is a question & answer format. I have supported Wisconsin Public Radio for nearly 18 years with a monthly radio show on computer technology. The show is produced by Jim Packard and hosted by Larry Meiller.


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