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Peter Greene's Top 10+ as announced on Monday, 3/6/2006

This list is for providing you with easy access to these "useful" Web pages. Please visit my NEW "Tips and Favorite Applications" Page, WEBHITZ® for access to our Web menus! Use of the products and services offered on any of these Web pages is at your own risk! E-Mail me and give me your feedback at web1@infostar.com. Due to the volume of email I get I cannot possibly reply to every message!

  1. Zillow.com - What is your house worth? or shopping for a house - they claim data on 60,000,000+ homes nationwide. More accurate info can be found usually locally - such as here in Dane County, WI - just use "AccessDane".
  2. Turnitin.com - a resource to tackle the problem of academic plagarism. Also visit "Plagiarism.org".
  3. craigslist.com - a popular "text-style listing" classified Website-resource for postings jobs, apartments, personals, for sale items and more; listings cost $$$$ in major metro areas but are still free for areas such as "craigslist: Madison, WI".
  4. Baseball-Reference.com [also visit "Pro-football-reference.com" and "Basketball-Reference.com"] - a resource to help you stay on top of the major league world of baseball.
  5. Wi-FiTechnology.com - a resource that is a "Wi-Fi Technology Forum" and also for wireless mobile news. You should also check out "jiwire.com".
  6. SharkyForums.com - another Web resource to help you keep up on the latest PC software and hardware technology.
  7. WarDrive.net - a resource to learn what wardriving is and how to secure your Wireless LAN against War Drivers.
  8. RipOffReport.com - is a consumer advocacy site where consumers who have been wronged can share their experience. Companies are encouraged to post a rebuttal and share their side.
  9. FishInfo.com - Fishing Information Network is the cooperative effort of a group of dedicated fisherman who are involved with and love the sport of freshwater fishing. Use their "site map" to best utilize this resource.
  10. SimHQ.com - simulation community headquarters; since 1997 - providing the simulation community with the best articles, news, message boards, and tips.
  11. ClamWin.com - a Free Antivirus - open source Virus scanner and spyware detector; manual scanning. It is also posted on the "InfoStar.com Virus Info Center page" under A-V Help.
  12. SeasonalCharts.com - a Web site that provides charts for stocks, Indices, futures markets, and more.
  13. [This is now Tip #38 @ "InfoStar.com's Tip" page] Assistance with shutting off Windows Messenger Service to help eliminate unwanted solicitations: [Eliminating Windows Messenger Service by Jim Coates] - [Microsoft Messenger Service: Spam and More] - [Windows Messenger is new spam vector]
  14. *** Below are last month's choices ****

  15. (*)Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware ([XP] Beta) - here is the link to download Microsoft's new AntiSpyware software; it is well worth checking out.
  16. (*)2 books on Google - "Google Hacks" and the new "Google Pocket Guide". Also visit Peter's new "Book Page".
  17. (***)Here is the "E-mail Anti-SPAM Encoder by Hiveware" to use if you post your email address to Web pages.
  18. (***)Here is the way to "eliminate the Windows Logon Screen". Remember to be careful when editing any system files; make sure you review the numerous resources I've posted about the Windows Registry that can be found on my "Tips" and "Techlinks" pages. And if you need access to your Windows system [like you forgot your administrative password] and are having trouble - then the "EBCD Utility [Free]" may be able to help.
  19. (***)US-CERT warns against using Internet Explorer - issued 6-29-2004 - U.S. government's Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) is warning Web surfers to stop using Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) browser. If you are concerned an alternative may be Mozilla's next generation Web browser called "FireFox" and visit the "InfoStar Virus Info Center" Web page and look for Web browsers.
  20. (***)List of fixes included in Windows XP Service Pack 2 [SP 2] - access Microsoft's information on what they have tried to fix in Windows XP. Here's an article on the fact that a "SP 2 exploit has already been found".
  21. Pluginz.com - a resource for digital artists featuring plugins and digital tools [software].
  22. Softpedia.com - a resource for free software downloads in a wide variety of operating systems and devices - Windows, Mac, Linux, etc....
  23. Timelyweb.com - a resource and product to assist you with "information hunting"; program will notify you about web resource change and will deliver the changed resource to your computer.
  24. GreenConsumerGuide.com - a resource to help you keep up with environmental issues, ethical and sustainable energy products and services.
  25. PublicSchoolReview.com - a resource to help you find free, detailed profiles of public schools and their surrounding communities.
  26. AreaGuides.net - search and browse information for 39,000+ domestic and international city guides for restaurants, hotels, real estate and more.
  27. BuildingAmerica.gov - [posted and maintained by the U.S. Department of Energy] - is a private/public partnership that develops energy solutions for new and existing homes.
  28. BluePrintForSafety.org - a resource for disaster-safety building techniques to help families become better prepared for floods, hurricanes, wildfires and windstorms.
  29. Rollyo.com - create your own personal Web search engine(s) using resources that you trust.
  30. WorldPrivacyForum.org - a resource that covers important topics for safe guarding your privacy.
  31. Assistance with shutting off Windows Messenger Service to help eliminate unwanted solicitations: [Eliminating Windows Messenger Service by Jim Coates] - [Microsoft Messenger Service: Spam and More] - [Windows Messenger is new spam vector]

selectedPeter's schedule for appearing as a guest on Larry Meiller's show can seen by clicking here.

You can listen to Peter on WPR (Wisconsin Public Radio) - 970AM WHA Radio in Madison, WI monthly! It is broadcast live over the WPR radio network from the 7th floor of Vilas Hall, and is "Web casted" live via Real Audio - you'll need the "Real Audio player". The show is 90 minutes in length and covers the latest in PC computer technology , the Internet and the World Wide Web; show is a question & answer format. I have supported Wisconsin Public Radio for nearly 18 years with a monthly radio show on computer technology. The show is produced by Jim Packard and hosted by Larry Meiller.


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